If you're reading this and you don't know, i'm a Broncos fan. I was born in Denver, my family is all from Denver, my grandpa was in the first 1,000 people to stand in line in 1969 to buy tickets. My credentials are in order.
So this might seem like a total homer post, but really it's just to point out the fact that Michael Irvin is retarded (which is really offensive to retarded people, because most of them are smarter...). I've known it for a while, but it seems that his co-hosts are starting to get super, super frustrated about it. And what makes it amazing is that in the first clip, not even Stu "I can't talk street" Scott even calls him out on it and Stu is the kind of guy who probably wants to be accepted by his own race so badly that he would agree with a guy like Irvin no matter what. Well congratulation Stu, you stood up for something and you gained 3 points in my book, which brings you up to 3 points in my book. Keep up the good work.
So anyway, this clip is from the Broncos - Raven monday night game, when the Broncos won. Irvin's top 5 teams in the AFC contains the Patriots and the Ravens, both of whom...you guessed it, the Broncos have beaten. Somehow, the Broncos aren't on his list. And really, it makes me look really forward to the days when another current psychotic Cowboys reciever will inevitably make regular appearances on various ESPN shows.
Irvin needs to stop doing drugs
Are You Retarded?
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